outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, May 12, 2006

least developed country status

From Post Courier 9 May. "A United Nations committee has recommended Papua New Guinea lower its status as a developing country to that of a “least developed country’’. The report said PNG met the three criteria used to judge countries for inclusion in LDC. An explanation of the criteria used by the UN committee is:GNI - The total value of goods and services produced within the country; HAI - The health of the nation’s population taking into consideration child mortality, secondary school enrolment, adult literacy and its cholesterol intake; andEVI - The underlying economic and environment fragility of the country. Thresholds for inclusion in the list of LDCs are: per capital GNI of less than $US750 (K2396), HAI of less than 55 and EVI greater than 37.It was also revealed that PNG has undergone stagnation for many years and suffered a decline in per capita Gross National Income. Its human asset and economic vulnerability indices have suffered severe structural handicaps.The recommendations, subject to approvals by the PNG Government, will be sent to the UN Economic and Social Council for a final decision when it meets towards the middle of the year.One economic commentator said the report was based on the fact that since 1995, PNG had experienced more negative growth than positive grow."
What the f*** is going on when a country with more bananas, pawpaws, gold, oil, coffee, tourism potential, you name it, is a LDC? It's time AusAid looked at how much bang it is getting for its buck and started to screw some balls to get accountability. Donor countries are being played for suckers while corruption pockets millions.


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Naaaaath said...

Well... I'm on a theme this morning, so I'll go with it.

Every time Ausaid "screws". I have to fill in 3 more forms instead of actually doing the work.

Every time Ausaid "screws", they change all their longer term projects and stop them at 30 June, becasue they need to (again) "Restructure".


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