outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

why should I care when I

have right on my side? Meursault addresses this problem and he comes to the realisation about his mother in relation to his own life - "Si pres de la mort, maman devait s'y sentir liberee et prete a tout - sorry about accents this machine doesn't want to recognise them - revivre. Personne, personne n'avait le droit de pleurer sur elle. Et moi aussi.." It is not arrogant to realise one is right and another is wrong in a matter of common courtesy so why should I care to tell the truth. This is what Meursault wrestled with. If this makes him un personnage peu vraisemblable then it does not say much about the rest of us. And so for me, wrestling with my work situation. I want to stay. There is work to be done that needs to be done. There are little people relying on someone to get university courses to them. This really does sound arrogant of me but I've always hated bullies who use others as means to their ends. So if I am right and the other is wrong and I have to compromise then I am out of here faster than Dave if that is possible.


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