"a man who does not trust
does not deserve to be trusted". I forget the author of this aphorism but it sounds like something former Lord Chancellor Denning I think it was along with another aphorism "Justice is what the right thinking man believes to be fair" or something like it anyway. There is a lot of scope for wondering such as what is a right thinking man, what is fair anyway. As for trust, PM Howard has never trusted the Australian people. They are the same ones who voted for Whitlam and Hawke and Keating so why would you trust them is his mentality. They kept him in the wilderness for thirteen years when with a second name like Winston and with imagines like his father and grandfather who had been in wars, with an imaginis of his kneeling with clasped hands at a funeral in contradistinction to the seated unclasped hands Hawke, with an imaginis of his sitting in the Members stand at the New Years Test, with imagines of his walking tall with the gold medalists at the Sydney Olympics he was the archetypal Man of Destiny. It's just that the people were too stupid to see it. He couldn't trust them so he lied. Nope, never ever cross me heart ever a GST; nope, I believe in the sovereignty of nations so no chance of regime change as an excuse to invade Iraq; nope, those kiddies were definitely upom me muvver's grave bless her soul thrown overboard; nope, interest rates'll always by jove be lower so long as you gimme another go at bein' PM; I love this job meetin' all the kool people like me mate George. I trust yez, yez all know me, yez like me, Little Johnny, you remember. I could never lie to you.
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