outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, May 12, 2006

about a week ago

I was writing about the man who does not trust does not deserve to be trusted. PM Howard, that man of Destiny, born to greatness and with greatness thrust upon him by a floundering Liberal party about fifteen years ago, I said has never trusted the voters. Like all politicians he enthuses about their respect for "the common good sense and decency" of the Australian voters but notice they always say this from a position of power after they have won an election. I know I will never hear Fatso say it because he has disappointed every person who has despaired of Australia under Howard. So how good it was today to hear the rescued miners paying tribute to their Union for its role in getting them out of the mine. About twenty years ago a gas explosing in a mine in Queensland trapped I think it was a dozen or so miners underground so the Mining Company filled the mine in to suffocate the fire. It still does not know to this day if those miners escaped the explosion and if they buried their workers alive. Without Unionism, who is going to care about the workers? Certainly not Howard. He could not trust them to vote for him on his own merits and image so he invented the lie about himself that he was the friend of the worker - Howard's battlers he called them; he invented the lie about himself that he was a yobbo cricket lover; he invented the lie about himself that he was more compassionate that former Governor General Bill Deane by turning up like a drunk uncle at any photo op his minders could line up; he invented the lie that he was a good Church man by using a photo up to show him kneeling with clasped hands. The man is a worse bullshitartist than the Man from Ironbark.


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