where's my photo publishing facility gone?
I goes away for a bit and I comes back to find I can't alter the font and the photo facility has gone. Glory be, it's so hard to get hired help these days. If this gets into cyber space maybe someone will see it and alert the publishing site that the blog has lost photo facility. I'd better go back and check what my last photo published was.
So Beazeley has gone. Probably no big loss to politics as he didn't seem much of a world beater in that field. He tried to look serious by frowning a lot but it always seem feigned and strained. Rudd is also a serious looker but he gets away with it. He might be more of a politician than Beazeley.
As voters we need to question ourselves though. We put politicians into politics which is logical. Maybe we need to be counter intuitive and start putting in the least most likely in order to break the cycle. After all, it is no big deal and not much of a claim to fame to put on a head stone, "The most significant Politician of his generation." What does that mean? "Al Capone, the most significant crook of his generation;" "John Howard, the most significant cheat and liar of his generation." They are not epithets I would like but some people have kinky tastes.
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