are we Asian or not?
1996. We are Australia. We are no more a part of Asia than Scandinavia is. Australia is Australia. We are not Asian.
2006. We are inextricably part of Asia. This is where our future is. We are as slope headed and slanty eyed in business as the next Asian. Australia is Asia. Asia is Australia. We are one.
Dear God,
I draw your attention to an error in your architecture of the world and humbly request that you rectify this. Australia is part of Asia. Please readjust your map accordingly.
Yours with righteousness,
2006. Asian Games. Why is Australia holding its National titles when all our top swimmers are competing at the Asian Games? Why are our top swimmers in the Asian Games not making it through to the finals? Why are the finals made up mainly of Chinese, Korean and Japanese swimmers? Hmm, some serious issues there.
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