when the language of the players becomes
the language of the commentators, why is it that the commentators have to use the language like a baby who has just learnt to say DaDaDaDa or MuMuMuMu. It got so wearing yesterday with nearly every commentator looking for the chance to get in 1 fer or 2 fer or 3 fer and the bigger - 6 fer.
What do they or the producers think they are doing to the game or the coverage? If they are looking for reality TV, by bringing the language of the players into the TV room, then I think it is wrong. Players have ways of talking in their vernaculars which is owned by the team and it is wrong for couldabeens or neverwases or oncewases to mimic the team language. Commentators are not part of the team so they should not rob the players of their language.
A couple years ago I was on the team bus coming home from a tragic grand final (in which one guy was paralysed and another guy died). As the beers turned the sorrow into if not exactly levity but memories, the players turned to team bonding songs and antics. I couldn't participate because I was not a team member. I'd have been a gatecrasher. Team language, team songs and all of that are part of the bonding. Players have got their sledges and shorthand speak. You commentators sound pathetic trying to think you are part of the team by mimicing their language. I'm sure the ABC doesn't do it. The players also use F, C, B, S words. If you must mimic, mimic them and then thankfully you might be taken off air. Who's the clever baby? 1 fer, 2 fer, 3 fer, 6 fer. Ahh, clever baby!
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