Song cheats and song pirates
ought to get their own songs and leave other people's words, rhythms, melodies and beats alone. Herr Muller or whatever his name was composed the definitive Christmas Carol 'Silent Night' and it doesn't need any 21st century help to improve it. Go and reinvent Mozart's Clarinet concerto if you must or Mark Antony's funeral oration but leave Silent Night alone and while you're at it, leave our national anthem bloody alone too. It doesn't need any more Julie Anthony like warbles and semi crochet tones once removed from the original. Nor does the last line need to turn each note into a multi semi-breve marathon whose multiness factor is known only to the guest warbler. This is Australia, not America where they do weird things to their national anthem. Be a bit more patriotic you singers - sing the original and show respect to the composer.
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