outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, November 03, 2006

still no luck with the photos

and I am thinking there must be another problem. So I'll do something else.

Mummy Mummy come quickly. Baby has fallen into the pool.
Not now Darling; Mummy has stopped for the race that stops a nation.
But he is bobbing up and down Mummy.
Ahh for %46&*@#! If this %^&#*N race is supposed to stop the nation can someone tell these kids it refers to them too? Kel, go and see what the matter is.
Mummy he is turning blue and floating on his face.
Yair I'll be there in four minutes Kelly. Just watch him for me. It's nearly over. I've got to stop for the race that stops the nation too you know.
Mummy he's sinking to the bottom. I think he's drownded.
Well you just stay away from the the water yourself OK. Now shhh. They're coming in to the straight and I think I'm on a winner. Go you good thing. Go.


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