Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm putting us on auto pilot
for the next five minutes or so until the race that stops the nation is over. Fasten your seat belts just in case of emergency during this time.
Dearly Beloved, as we gather today to remember the life of our dear departed, let us pause for 5 minutes until the race that stops the nation is over.
Jim, make my bid 34, ok 3401, yep 3405. Yair no, hang on for five minutes Jim will you? The race that stops a nation is on.
Pass me the transplant kidney please Nurse. No wait, put it in the fridge for five minutes until the race that stops a nation is over.
Yair Sarge I've got a sighter on that armed hold up guy. I'm just pulling over to the side of the road and I 'll resume the chase when the race that stops a nation is over.
Johnny, now stop pulling Patricia's hair and Tommy stop cutting up the Library book. Class will resume in five minutes after the race that stops a nation is over.
Yair Captain we've nearly got that blaze under control. If the wind change can just hold off for five minutes until the race that stops a nation is over we should be OK.
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