outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

where I get my info

"Question is not the Security Committee but does adequate reporting of all these security incidents gets tabled in the Council Room? Committees as we know are almost disfunctional if not already and a lot of decisions are no longer made by committees. e.g, Housing Committee and allocations of houses which are supposed to be the function of this committee. When did the last housing Committee meet? Remember the old days when vacant houses used to be advertised and applications called for? Nowadays we even have free housing allegedly allocated to outsiders while the housing wait-list bulges. But that is beside the point. It appears the uni has a new policy of keeping employees in the dark thus resulting in misunderstandings (if it is), anger and low morale. Morale of the workers is the biggest problem in organisation and communication is the strongest tool for avoiding low staff morale. Communication between the employer and the employee is the most fundamental asset of leadership that you get to learn in basic leadership courses - forget the costly 7 Habits franchise, we have not got the basics right yet. Like Bara pointed out, there is a positive side to the current security contractor. However, if what we hear are true, such as the farm incident, the rape and petty crimes, we need the University to address this or inform us if it is doing anything at all about them. From the security incident, we are slogging in the dark, putting forward guesses, and airing frustrations. The University may have done its job in addressing past incidents, and addressing current/future ones. The university may have a marvelous strategic plan addressing all our woes; it is just that we do not know. The correct management strategy is that the employer who is affected in an environment of apprehension and anxiety has got to be updated and informed of measures to address the couses of anxiety and apprehension. Those of you who were my work mates in my former employment (here I go again), you will recall that the Managing Director of the company used to hold a monthly "MD Briefings" sessions with senior staff of the company in the cinema after work. You will recall that those briefing sessions by the MD once a month used to work wonders for staff morale. Also one of the objective was that the executive managers and the MD are not seen to be isolated from the workforce and are part of them in decision sharing. After the briefings, a 30 minute to 1 hour session followed by a socialising session where the top managers intermingled with the staff members including getting to meet/know each other."


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