I feel terrible that I offended a reader
so how did that happen? The comments were not meant to be offensive and what I was trying to do was to point out the dire circumstances that most of the innocent people have to live in. I do not retract my apology. That stands unreservedly. But how could I have said what I wanted to say without being offensive? The minimum wage is K38 per week but rents for housing are about K500 per week. The gap is huge. This is what I wanted to say but what I wrote was too graphic. As for being ignorant, I get my information from public sources. I get embarrassed whenever I hear people - both nationals and ex-pats talk of their countrymen as being "A simple people - not simple minded but a simple people." They are homo sapiens - they feel hurt and pride and rejection. They are complex: they are only simple in the minds of those who do not want to see their complexity. I have never sold a national short by regarding them as simple. That is what I wanted to say - the people are complex and they should not be regarded as people for whom second best is good enough. Second best is never good enough for homo sapiens and yet that is what I was seeing and hearing. If first best is the goal, how can that become policy?
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