outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Monday, July 10, 2006

Questions to the leader

Darren. How exactly are you going to shoot people? Isn't that illegal?
Leader. No Darren, it would not be illegal if the PM adopted MY policy. My policy. You see, he is not being tough enough on illegal immigrants and terrorists.
Darren. Well, would you shoot anyone?
Leader. Look Darren, let's stick to the point. I am going to get rid of terrorists in this country and if we have to shoot them then we will.
Darren. But you said you would shoot anyone. Would you shoot me?
Leader. Just keep asking questions and you'll find out.
Penny. Why would you shoot people? Why not hang them?
Leader. There are too many terrorists here. It is a matter of convenience.
Penny. If there are so many terrorists, why haven't they done any terrorist acts?
Leader. We lodged a Freedom of Information request to find that out.
Penny. Why would people vote for you if you are going to shoot them?
Leader. I am putting forward strong policies. Strong policies in the interest of good government. I make no apology where policy requires people to be shot. If people need to be shot, we will shoot them. No apology. We will shoot them on the beaches. We will shoot them at the footy. We will shoot them anywhere. We will never surrender.


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