my speeding fine
Imagine my shock when i opened mail yesterday from the State Debt Recovery Office. State Debt Recovery? I didn't know I had any outstanding debts that needed to be referred to a Debt Recovery Office. It came to me via my Mother's address and I thought where I had been in the last five years where I could possibly have an out-standing debt. Land tax? Unpaid electricity, phone, water, rates. The debt was for speeding through a camera area nbear Ballina on 4th May 2006 - that is about 5 weeks ago!!! 5 weeks ago and I get referred to the Debt Recovery Office as if I had been running away from my responsibilities? It so happens I had been in Australia between Anzac Day and 5th May and if the car I am responsible for was speeding then I accept responsibility but will plead inadvertent temporary loss of concentation. It was nothing wilful. Like sometimes I step off the kerb and forget to look for cars. It is not a wilful act. So to get referred to the State Debt Recovery Office seems rather over the top. The Roads and Traffic Authority is responsible for the speed cameras so why did it not just send me an infringement notice - I mean and I repeat -it was five WEEKS ago not five YEARS ago. Goodness gracious me.
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