outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Sunday, May 14, 2006

who'd a thought

there was a Bourbon living in modern day PNG? I told my boss the other day, "You make excuses about why you have been away. 7 Habits teaches about priority. You knew you were taking three months leave so you should not have gone to India to present a paper. Your job is here - not presenting papers overseas or a 7Habits programme." So what do you think the Bourbon who has learnt nothing from history is doing tomorrow? Right. He is not going to be at work until 3pm. His priority tomorrow is to speak to the Chamber of Commerce in Mt Hagen! My people are here up from Australia supposedly to speak with him to get my job description sorted out. I have done NOT ONE DAY of Instructional Designing since I have been here. My organisation has recruited me at expense to itself and the goodness of my desires to help this Bourbon's people and country out and where is he going to be tomorrow? Not where he should be.


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