outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, April 07, 2006

people for the universites

or Universities for the people is what I am arguing in my paper. The waht the people can supply function rather than the what the university can supply is what is needed for the human resources potwential of this country to catch up with its vast physical resources potentioal. What the people can supply is about what hidden talents they have which the university needs to discover and exploit for the good of the individual. This is a demand function as well as a moral and good for the soul function. Without the hidden wealth of the people's being dioscovered then human talent is unused. Already the universities through its supply function supplies the technocrats such as lawyers, doctors ,engineers, accountants and teachers among others. But there needs to a be balance bewteen what the two functions can supply. If the universirty is doing all the supplying on its terms (meet the western criteria of what counts as inteeligence by passing successfully throught the western model of school and curriculum) then clearly only one half of the supply/demand problem is being solved. So we will see how well my paper is received.


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