Now that's off my chest
I can get on with trying to turn around the embedded (hasn't that become such a convenient phrase?) thinking that has prevented the development of external courses here since 1993. I am trying to get my department to see that its ROLE is teaching Adult Matriculation and the MODE of teaching is Distance Learning and this distinction should follow through into its name. The ROLE should define the name. Students from my Dept of Open and Distance Learning do not graduate with a Certificate of Distance Learning. They get an Adult Matriculation Certificate. Likewise, a graduate in Engineering does not get a Degree in Campus Learning. They get a Degree in Engineering. So I am trying to convince the authorities to change the name of my Dept to the Dept of Tertiary Entrance Studies or some other such name that reflects its role.
Jeremy, the previous AVI left early December - nearly four months ago. He cancelled his phone and has been waiting until now for the bond to be repaid. He emailed me early February to get me to follow up and on Tuesday, two months after I began the follow up, Telekom settled the amount. I have a phone system where I buy credit and if there is no credit I can't call. So why would they have sent me a bill for K8? If I can't use the phone without credit, how come there is a debit? They laugh about PNG being "the land of the unexpected".
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