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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, March 31, 2006

It concerns me that

what concerns me is more negative than my other bloggers. Nathan's blog is more positive and Robert's is personally emotive and empathic with a people whom he has made great effort to relate to and so I worry that I do a disservice to a country which I am supposed to be helping by capacity building. I think my role puts me nearer the policy situation without my being in a policy influence situation and this creates frustration as does anything to do with policy anywhere. R is consoled by his being able to help students and if he can make a difference there he is ecstatic that he has achieved. His story today about the death of the dog Sim consoled me because I too had noticed what he described and I can only agree that the mistreatment of animals wherever it occurs is a blight on humanity. I say the story consoled me because if something upsets R it is worth being upset about and so I was glad to see this story in print for its confirming what upsets me and for drawing attention to the problem. -see www.schilt.info/blog
This links to random nath in PNG I think it is. Patch shares masters but normally she belongs to Roger however she comes to me when R has a night at the yotti. Her tails wags so hopefully that means we are doing the right thing by her.


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Naaaaath said...

Hiya geoff - here's the link (should come up in my comment posting), else it's:


Chin up mate.

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