oats peas beans and barley grow
Perhaps not quite because the climate is not good fro grains except for rice. But soap, dtergent, matches, mattresses are made in PNG. Bread, eggs, mlik, meat, tinned fish, fresh fish, biscuits are made in PNG. Avocado, pawpaw, capsicum, vanilla, coffee, potatoes are grown in PNG. SP makes a very good beer in PNG. Gold and Copper are mined in PNG. So I keep coming back to the conundrum - how can a country with so much physical wealth and with people with superior intellects be in nned of capacity building to overcome the negative ubiquitous commentary about a regressive if not actual economy and state?
The Chinese, Japanese, EU, are all building things. TB and AIDS are serious health issues; the GG fears his female relatives might be raped; the Mt Hagen Hospital evicted 12 families who were squatting; two Japanese tourists were knifed and robbed in Rabaul; EU is to improve water supplies: - all stories in the Post Courier 27 March 2006. Why? There are PhDs here in nearly every academic discipline - most of them gained from overseas Universities.
But I, a Volunteer on nationals' wages, not ex-pats' wages employ a haus-meri to do my washing and cleaning: apparently it is expected that wait man will employ a national. I've never had house help before in a western country. Why?
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