outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a virtue out of necessity?

If Australians really looked after one another as the media and politicians out-loud-mouth themselves to present their patriotism credentials there would be no need for St Vinnies or Salvos or Bill Crewes mission or Matthew Talbot hostel. Why don't the believers in the myth tell the poor bloke who died alone in a block of flats and was not noticed missing for four months that they really were looking out for him? Or why don't they tell the shy and lonely who have Christmas alone at home - the ones who are too proud and don't want to feel embarrassed by attending the Wesley Mission Christmas luncheon that us "Aussies" stick together? Where is the immediate neighbour to invite a person home? "Oh but dahling, we couldn't have a loser at home with us they might sully the couch. We can be just as good looking out for each other "Aussies" by giving $100 to the Salvos for other people to look out for the losers. Besides, our soocial set would not know how to talk to one of them. Vicarious looking out for each other "Aussies", that's what we do best. We pay for others to look after them. Just as we pay for those dahling nurses at the nursing home to look after mummy while we do our winter business trip to the Bahamas. What would we do without the nursing home that our Government so earnestly funds for us. And those dear nurses who wipe mummy's bottom whom we pay $15 an hour for the privilege. Aren't they such sweet angels. I get all goosey bumped when I hear how good we are at looking out for each other".


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