renogotiating job description
With the Yanks beating the war drums about Iran and with my, along with everyone else' being powerless to stop it, my frustration turns to depression as I fail to understand why rational people allow the irrational to rule and make us all participants in stupidity. My feelings today are exacerbated by my having run out of things - at least constructive things which are in keeping with the skills I brought to this position and the University as a whole and not just DODL - to do to keep me busy. One of the elements of my job description is "other duties as directed" and as such I've done sweeping the floor, student registrations, filing, and car pool driver. I have designed and written an inservice course to help lecturers understand how they can write a university course for independent learning, developed assessment, quality assurance and evaluation methods. But now I cannot do any more until University policy is decided and implemented. I get bored very easily and I hate wasting time. I even worried at home last night that I was getting depressed - I can work out the smptons now - I'd been eating lots of bananas which an email told me contained tryptophan, a protein convertible in to seratonin which were keeping me steady in lieu Zoloft. But then I saw an item on Dateline, SBS about a little polio boy in Indonesai Bali and I wondered why the Uni here is nort using me more productively. If it can't I would be better off helping someone like the polio boy.
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