outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, March 17, 2006

joy,happiness or delight

This little about four year old girl walked past me this morning and her smile and eyes were those of delight. A smile tells of joy and happiness maybe in physiological pleasure but delight seems to be a deeper emotional response and I think it is told through the eyes. I remember Matthew's delight when I returned from an excursion when he was about five - his smile and eyes synchronised. As did Dad's when Bro Max returned to Bourke about 1969 or so.
The Post Courier letter asde quotes former SCR Pres, " The problem is because the Univ keeps on enrolling students than the no of bed spaces. When all the bed spaces on campus are taken up , student services rents out rooms at Telikom and Martin Luther...Over the years the outstanding rentals have accumulated into hundreds of thousands which the Univ has not settled."
As for anonymous letters, Trupela Man writes, "PNG is described as a sick society " and Concerned Mangi (youth) writes, "Vamone should stop daydreaming and think long and hard about how and why we wee granted independence without bloodshed. THe Aussies (sic) were fed up with looking after us. Tingim gut na tok tok."
Rice (US foreign Minister) said Iran had lied about its nuclear program for 18 years and therefore the world should condemn it. Hopefully too the world will condemn the US for lying about WMDs and Abu Grahib and Vietnam anD Central America and the assassination of the Chilean socialist preseident and Contras and everything else it has lied about.


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