resource rich PNG
PNG is one of the most resource rich of countries - a nugget of gold floating in a barrel of oil surrounded by coconut, pineapple and pawpaw. It is a picture of the garden of Eden - who could ask for anything more? What musical was that? The nationals themselves wonder how anyone could starve here. I've been to planti functions now where there is so much to eat you would burst if you tried to be polite and eat a little bit from each serving so as to not offend the hosts. So with wealth like this, why is it that the con man needs to be a con man? I asked at church asde - where he was again - and they did in fact confirm my suspicions telling me he just preys on unsuspecting people. I know Jesus would feel sorry for him but after having lied to me (the con man that is) I find it difficult just at this time. And why do people need to be corrupt when there is enough honest wealth for everyone?
At the bus stop asde morning I began to get frustrated as what I perceived as "my turn" was pushed aside by shovers and sidesqueezers and window jumpers who had come after the first four buses which I had been unable to get on. I consoled myself with the thought that the Lord knows my intentions and he wouldn't be happy if I had to mistreat people by pushing and shoving just to see him so I waited. And then the next bus came and I pushed the people in front of me so that the side squeeezers were unable to squeeze in. Order at a bus stop and manners and respect for mothers and their children - is that too much to ask or is it not important in a land of planti.
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