Subject: Prison Outbreak; Importance: High
1. "Members,The Chamber has been advised by the Police that there has been an outbreak of 22 detainees from the Lae Police Cell last night during the heavy rains.The Police suspect the criminals from Best Buy and Formosa hold-up incidents are amongst the escapees. Police will confirm later on in the day. Meantime, the Chamber requests members to be vigilant and take appropriate security measures accordingly. The escapees made their breakout through the cell roof which had required overdue maintenance. However due to lack of funds this had not been possible. The Chamber therefore seeks urgent assistance from our Members with these repairs to the cell roof. Kindly contact our office via email or phone call re assistance request."
2. "Members, The security situation in Lae has escalated as noted by all who have sent in crime reports. The Chamber encourages all crimes to be reported to Police firstly and secondly to fill out the LCCI crime report so we can table every reported crime daily. For those who have already sent their reports previously, kindly refrain from resubmission. Please ensure the correct information is noted of these incidents: date & time type of crime - attempted or otherwise Members involved - Staff Personnel & Families have you reported incident or attempted to report to the police & what is their response? Please also be reminded that the Lae Chamber of Commerce is NOT the Police authorities. Crime reports have been known to come directly to us and not firstly reported to the Police. We, a staff of only 2, make every attempt to be as proactive as a voice for our (over 200) members, by collating, managing and reporting as much information on behalf of them. In an effort to maintain orderly and effective reporting on your behalf, your cooperation is requested at all times. Regards, Lae Chamber of Commerce Inc."
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