outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Exemption from Voting. Form 3a.

(This form to be used by persons claiming Exemption on Stupidity Grounds only.)
Personal Details (as on electoral roll) ...
Statutary Declaration.
I hereby declare that I am too stupid to vote. I get confused when politicians talk policies. I can't tell if they are lying. I can't remember if they have broken promises. And if they have it doesn't bother me because I lack a moral conscience as well. I can't distinguish between whether they just want my vote and whether they will be good for the country. I am easily fooled by con men, liars, cheats and scoundrels. I cannot make rational decisions. I am easily influenced by 10 second photo ops and by the demagogues on talk back radio. My vote would put a liar, cheat and self interested rogue in power. This would not be fair to the 48% rational Australians who deserve better. I accept that this exemption will have the effect of disqualifying my dog from exercising my proxy.
Signed ......
In support of this application, tick the following media items that you pay attention to:
Piers Akkermann; Channel 9 Breakfast Programme; Channel 7 Breakfast Programme; Fox News; A Current Affair.


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