its good to get a letter from home
Dear Geoff,
Come home, all is forgiven. You need to get out of there while you are still reasonably sane. I've been reading your blog and you are deteriorating rapidly. Think about that rat for example. What on earth would he want with a pair of your undies - they are size 97. They would be much too big for him - assuming it is a him-rat. But you said six pairs were missing? Even if a rat were to wear undies, I am sure it would not have needed six pairs. There has to be another logical explanation. And that grocery store where you said you buy sugar cane and cabbages. There seemed to be no baked beans or coffee or tissues. You cannot live like that. And those dreadful things you are saying about our PM. I hope you are not telling that to the local people. I am worried that ASIO or ASIS might get you as you come through immigration. There has been a strange black car with darkened windows parked across the road over the last week. It just comes and they stay for a couple hours and do not get out. Then they go only to return later. I rang the Police and got a funny buzzing on the line and your voice sounds kind of echoey on the phone. I know you said it is only for a little while longer. Do take care.
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