Aid is a Conspiracy?
I have become suspicious that Aid is a Conspiracy of some sort but I haven't worked out the reason yet. PNG is milking Australia and playing on possibly a colonial guilt complex. An associate to a Judge who prefereably has a law degree is advertised here for salary K28000 top - basic middle range public servant. House rents in Port Moresby - 3br units that is K900 pw -K650. to buy, houses K250 000 cheapest. Have only seen three ads for new 4X4 - cheapest K100000; BMW K165000, Toyota Lexus K230000. Used cars about K20000-K30000. Hotel rooms K220single; restaurant meal K40 one course drinks extra. Cheapest thinga here is the fresh produce -K1 for pawpaw. Return air Lae-Brisbane K2600 ($A1450). The PNG Treasurer Bart Philemon ranted about Australia's not supporting PNG tourism. Why would we when we can go to Fiji or Bali or Bangkok for those prices and get 5 nights accomm as well. This country has not got many ex-pats now so it is the nationals who are buying. The prices seem to be out of the range of the Judge's associate but I am yet to work out how it works. The point I am making? If a public servant can't afford things and there are people who can and there are not many expats left to do the buying, then who is it who is buying?
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