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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

John and Jan in bed

John darling, I'm worried about the polls. You don't think this is the beginning of the end for us do you?
Jan my little pet, I'm worried too but I need to show a brave face. It'll be alright. I've turned things around before.
Yes but Honey, this time it seems serious. Did you notice how many people were at the airport to farewell us this time? There was such a crush. And compared to when we just came back from Indonesia there were so few welcomers. It is almost as if the people wanted us to stay away.
People are fickle darling. Even Julius Caesar recognised that. Besides I've got some tricks up my sleeve. Tony Blair said he would make me a Knight so we can be Sir John and Lady Howard and in return I will teach him how to lie and be as popular as I am.
Oh John darling, I would so love that. The very sound of it. Lady Howard. Imagine the tea parties I could have when we retire. Won't Tammy be jealous. Lady Howard requests the pleasure of the company of Mrs Tammy Fraser. Oh won't she scowl at that!
And then I'm going to move Anzac Day to the Friday before the election and that way my record as a patriot and great war time leader with military ancestry is foremost in the minds of the voters.
But won't that upset the Diggers?
No, I've told them that we need to make Anzac Day more relevant to the younger generation and so I am linking our democracy with fought for freedom, the things that Father and Grandfather fought for, to occur together. Anzac Day on the Friday and vote for Freedom and Democracy for me on the Saturday. I can just see Rudd squirming now with the indignation and another lost election for Labor.
Wouldn't it be much simpler while you've got control of Parliament to make yourself Dictator for Life? Surely all your colleagues would support that. And it is nothing less than we deserve.
Yes, I'll think about that Honey. Goodnight.


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