So that's what this Laming bloke
in Queensland has been up to. He's been squirrelling away his electoral allowance for stamps and printing so he has a big spending cache when it comes time for the election. He will have $67 000 printing credits. Anyone else who wants to contest his seat will have to fund their own printing costs but Laming will have his funded by the taxpayer. Such is democracy. Land of the free, home of the brave. But innocent, completely innocent of course until proven guilty in a court of law. Sort of like Australian Citizen, Mr David Hicks, completely innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Democracy, wonderful thing. We should bomb it into the Iranians and North Koreans. I wonder why we are not bombing it into the Zimbabweans? We're too soft. The Roman Emperors would have none of this. Those Gauls and Celts and Germani and Parthians they learnt obedience. Ah for the olden days.
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