outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Monday, February 05, 2007

I went into the Commercial one day

not long after I had been involved in politics and one of the drinkers started talking politics to me. There was a new publican there from the last time I had been to this pub and he comes up to me and tells me to cut it out mate we don't talk politics here. This was in my town, this bloke I was talking to was someone I knew and he was the one who had started quizing me about politics. It was not I who brought the subject up. We were talking harmlessly. But this new publican knew the other bloke but he didn't know me as I was not one of his regular blow flies so he was laying down the law to make himself look tough and impress on me that HE was the landlord of the Bogans. Maybe he thought politics was too high brow and it would frighten the bogans away if any of them should hear me.
There is something of the same sort of mentality about David Hicks alive in bogan land. Thick-wits like the landlord like to encourage people to demonstrate that they have no brains and that this is a peaceable and happy state to be in and that drinking more beer will help keep you in this treasured state.
"David Hicks is a terrorist, he'd shoot your mother and rape your wife and blow up your children. You should think about that before you go spruiking sympathetic nonsense. I thought you had more sense. The best place for him is at the end of a rope."
You would think that PM Howard and ministers Ruddock and Downer would be interested in trying to readdress the injustice of this case as is appropriate for a mature sophisticated nation but instead their words and actions are those of bogans.


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