I've just gotter blog this before I leave
Paul drove me in to town this afternoon and we pulled up against the traffic just over the pedestrian crossing near Airlink down from Foodmart. As I got out of the car on the passenger's side this wait meri comes over to me and complains that the car was in the wrong direction on a pedestrian crossing. I told her not to tell me but to tell the driver if she had a problem. I'm telling you she said. You do something about it. I was flabbergasted. What to make of this. So I told Paul anyway - not for the purposes of doing anything different but to get it off my chest. He said yair I saw her talking to you and I thought she was a friend. I said no, but why would she not talk to you? Between us we worked out she must have thought I being a wait man was the car owner and Paul being the PNGn was my chauffeur and therefore she expected I would tell my "driver". Bullshit. People don't think in racist ways like that still do they? We can't think of any other explanation. Any ideas?
Then twice outside the bank the securities were holding back the pedestrians, keeping us well away from the doors so they could unload cash. There were securities with rifles and pistols ready to shoot and dog handlers. I obey the instructions no problem because as they told me once before, if bullets start going, they don't want to shoot an innocent pedestrian. They convinced me. But one arrogant ex-pat (not Australian or European) insisted he be allowed through.
Then finally getting on to the bus I was nearly bowled over by a drunk. The passengers already on the bus breathed a sigh of relief as he left. They get embarrassed when one of their countrymen behaves like this.
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