outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, December 15, 2006

my mate rascolled in his own office

yesterday afternoon. With no staff around at 4pm, this rascol armed with a home made gun looked like 22 calibre he said, came into his office on the third floor and tied him up with tape and was going to shoot him for ruining a wontok's life for poor grades or something - anything even. Mate talked to him about going to gaol for murder and the rascol settled for just taking his lap top. Mate escaped his bonds, ran to his secretary, called security and he was arrested at the gate. The lap top was damaged in the scuffle. We had a few beers last night to get over the trauma. If I can leave with two bouts of malaria, three sores on my legs and one pickpocketed phone I shall consider myself blessed.

While this was going on, I was over at Scout Camp attending a birthday party for 1 year old Boss - also know as Isaac. I got him a little toy car. There was so much to eat there. I ate off a plate but other guests as they came up to the table just tore off a piece of banana leaf and used that as a plate. The mumu was cooked in big pots with heated stones put into the them and water poured in to steam the food. Happy birthday Boss. Thank you for having m,e at your party.


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