Dear Jason, Annie and Tansey
Jase, I went over and picked up your mail today and there is one stamped from Oxford, another looks to be internal mail and a third in a large (A4) brown envelope from the Office of the Director of Institutional Anti-Leverage and Particularity Quantification Equivalents in Hanoi – this one had been opened but not by me. It looked official and I was worried – I did not have my glasses when I received the mail and so I was relieved to notice that the address button was only from some bureaucracy in New Western and not from somewhere important.
I went to Popondeta and Moresby last week and this week I was to have been going to Aitape and Wewak but the airstrip had not been mowed and the pilots refused to land at Aitape so I postponed until early next year. Nothing seems to be happening on the resolution of tensions at SEM and Staff level. I think Council set up a committee to investigate the matters but everything is very hush-hush – nothing even in the papers.
I have another sore on my leg and am treating it with anti-biotics and aloe vera.
We have a farewell at Tony’s tonight for Vivien, Richard, Robert and Dr X from business studies the African guy. You know whom I mean. Things are very quiet. I leave at the end of next week.
Happy Diwali, Christmas, New Year and every other blessing as they are appropriate to you.
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