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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Sunday, September 24, 2006

more of the mud-men

from Goroka. What fascinating culture and how rich is this whole world that such traditions are alive. They have the same needs and wants as most other people but they are not overly worried generally if they cannot satisfy everything.

Peter came back this morning from Goroka after seeing his 14 yr old nephew buried. He knocked on my door with 6 yr old daughter Betty about 8.30 with a pile of vegetables for me. How lucky am I. And some clown has the ignorance to bully me as a "sad bitter loser" for writing some quasi-political story that offended their delicate sensitivity. They would do well to experience the vibrancy of PNG or the earthiness of Brewarrina - to realise what is important in life. Get a life - don't be so precious.


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