outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Thursday, July 20, 2006

today: the first day of the rest of your life

My thanks to this correspondent - as to all correspondents - for your feedback and your information about kava. "Nice to hear from PNG again! I lived in Port Moresby from 88-90. PNG kava (waeld koniak) is reputed to be the strongest kava-type in the world. Kava works on the GABA receptors in the brain - it's effect is similar to valium. Good luck in Lae!"
I must say it is good to hear from people who have a previous association with PNG. Although mature in years I am as a babe for my experience in the country and the people. People like Larry have been here for thirty years I think he said it was and they talk about pre-independence times. Others tell me that before the war there were people in the highlands who had not seen wait men. This puts into perspective what Joe told me at Rotary: "You wait fullas took 800 years to become civilised again after the Barbarian Invasions and you expect us black fullas to do it in fifty!" I am not sure that this way of looking at things fully takes into account the ability of the homo sapiens to adjust and adapt? There are PNGns all over the world as there are so many other nationalities. We have choices to make as circumstances change. Attitude not aptitude. Have I got the attitude? I need to explore the subject a little bit more.


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