maate,maate, it's easy
After talking about the blogs I read yesterday mate Atul showed me how to become a computer linguist and to write computer speak. Thus I managed to move my blogsites to the links section. I talked before about getting to know the subject as well as the object and so I am learning to know me, the subject, a bit better as I read other blogs and other comments on my blogs.
I really did get myself tangled last week when I wrote something which offended a reader. Two ways of looking at it. You can't please everybody. If you try to, you'll end up pleasing no-one. Act on your own conscience. I did that. I removed the offensive material and apologised and invited an active response to dialogue. If all blogs were the same I'd end up reading only my own. Thus I learn more about the object, or the other, as viewed from the perspective of other people. Robert wrote of mercenaries, missionaries and misfits. I think I know how I would classify myself but I'll keep that a secret until I have learnt about the subject a bit more.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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