theology: a dialogue between people
about our understanding of God. We need to be sure we are talking about the same thing - ie, that we are both talking about God and that one of us is not talking about the deceiver Satan. To become schismatic and to break off dialogue seems to me to fall right into the trap that the deceiver rejoices in setting. I consider I have good relations with people on both sides of the Anglican communion as in the same way I have friends in the other denominations. There is no way that I could claim to know God so jealously correctly that I would refuse an invitation to participate in a worship service of another Christian. I have been allowed to participate in receiving Communion at the Mass in the Catholic rite. I 've got no idea if their theology is right or wrong. I'm sure it is not of the deceiver's doing though because it is scriptural - "Do this in remembrance of Me" "for as often as you drink the cup and eat the bread you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes again." "Whoever does so in an unworthy manner profanes the body of Our Lord." I thought it was rude of the hierarchy of my Church to not participate in the induction of Cardinal Pell several years ago on account that the Mass was going to be central to the service.
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