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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Monday, July 24, 2006

What in Heaven must the God

of Jews, Christians and Moslems be thinking as He sees what is going on in the middle East right now? Whatever has happened to the Conservative Fundamentalist Christian doctrine of obeying the precepts of the Bible and taking note of, "Whatsoever you do to the littlest of these you do to Me?" The consideration applies equally to all warmongers - the littlest people in every war, the unarmed civilian populations in Iraq, Lebanon, West Bank, Gaza, Israel, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan wherever they are are the littlest people. God has given you warmongers a brain to sort things out. And don't blame the other side all the time either. From my Christian perspective, Jesus told the cleverdicks of his time - "Why do you see the speck in my eye when you've got a whopping dirty big lump of fourbetwo in your own eye?"
With clever dicks like John Bolton and Secretary Rice running the world, I suppose we should be thankful the job is not left to fools like Alexander Downer to do the job.


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