outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Monday, June 19, 2006

they are just uneducated

No, this is not good enough as an excuse for thieves and rapists and other criminals in this country. Our species is "home sapiens". We are not like gorillas who have just swung in on a vine from out of the jungle. By definition "homo sapiens" means we can think without education. We look at what our fellow homo sapiens are doing and we see 99% of them acting orderly, decently, civilly, courteously and we THINK to ourselves Hmm I am like them, I must behave like them. They do not look at fellow homo sapiens and think Hmm, I must eat a banana and pull fleas off my neighbour and throw faeces and banana peel at other homo sapiens. Education teaches higher order skills - it does not teach what is basic to being a human being: a human being respects my mobile phone and my right get on a bus in a civilised and orderly manner. I do not need education for that.
This country is letting down its own honourable citizens of whom there are 99% of 5 million people. Fifty thousand criminals and include in that the corrupt officials and political - I was going to call them leaders - but rogues is a more apt description are holding the donor countries as well as good natured citizens and servants of NGOs and churches to ransom.


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