take this morning's poll for instance
"Should convicted child molesters be executed?" Given the audience, take out those who are too busy to reply, take out those on the way out the door to catch a train, take out families whose children are watching Play school on another channel, then what demographic are you left with to respond to the poll? I can tell you now the response is going to be nearly 100% in favour of execution. So why ask the poll? Replying "Yes" is easy. To this question, the answer is a feel good answer. Subliminally the respondent thinks "Good on you Ch 9 for making me feel good!" Long term the answer is not so easy. This society is falling apart with many loners and losers and psychological problems. The problems are not going to go away just by making a certain demographic feel good. We are losing our way as a community. We don't relate to each other. We don't know who our neighbour is. We have become solitary. Depression is on the increase. Each of us is supposed to talk with at least 3 I think it is people per day. If society is building enclosing structures whereby someone does not have to leave the house, then you can go days without talking to anyone. This is not to excuse criminals but we should wonder what we can do to reinvent community.
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