outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Thursday, June 29, 2006

oh dear oh dear oh deary me

The wet season has arrived apparently a month late. Rain which has been threatening since Sunday set in at mid-day yesterday and has continued for 24 hours and we get to have another four months of it. Would that we could share some with the NSW farmers. My understanding is that this rain ends up in the sub artesian basin which is about 3km down in places like Moree.
So if continuous rain is not the cause of addled brains in Canberra, I wonder what is? I saw on SBS last night that I am not allowed to possess a "thing" any more. When the KGB, NKVD, Gestapo, Stasi had this type of law we were outraged. They did the midnight raid and found a "thing" and the owner was sent to a gulag. I mean nice Mr Ruddock, member of Amnesty would do no such thing, but what if nasty pretending to warm and fuzzy Mr Beazely or shudder shudder shudder Mr CREAN (kiddies cover your eyes - and stop screaming - it's not for real) were miraculously to become in charge of the "thing" legislation. Oh dear. A "thing". Goodness gracious me. This is what we pay lawyers to write. A "thing."


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