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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

when I said kindly, what I meant

was that it was good of him/her to correct me but on re-reading my apology I realised I am not sure if "kindly" was the spirit in which the he/she corrected my mistake - the one about the celebrity wedding that is. On reflection I might have given the idea that he/she was generous in their opinion of my disregard of the facts when in actual fact words such as "idiot" and "jerk" ought to suggest to a discerning reader that the spirit was not as kind as my subsequent correction might have suggested. The point is nevertheless that I do appreciate the correction. It might have been better had I omitted the adjective "kindly" but then this would not have conveyed my appreciation and the correspondent is right - I should not write stuff that is wrong. So enough said. I hope I have learned from my mistake.


At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made an honest mistake. How are you supposed to know who Keith Urban is, he has never written a symphony or a string quartet.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they called you an idiot and a jerk, because idiots and jerks such as Howard never tell the truth


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