outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

confusion on distance learning

One of my jobs is to help lecturers write courses that can be taught by distance mode and for lecturers who have a mindset that University education is done in a lecture theatre or laboratory by full time students, this is a barrier I have to overcome. The other problem is that they think my department will run their programs so I have to explain that distance learning is a university programme and student registration, enrolment, course records will be handled by the University registry. Confusion has arisen because my department registers and runs distance learning for Adult Matriculation. The University has been seen to hand over the implementation of distance learning to the COMMITTEE of Distance Learning which just happens to have DEPARTMENT of Distance Learning officers on the Committee along with Academics and so the two roles are not distinguished. I try to explain that all the Department is is a post office or freight section which delivers course materials to the students. I am an Instructional Designer with expertise in writing for Distance Learning and Independent Learning and I think lecturers suspect that this makes the Department contoller of the lecturers' courses. I am merely there to help written materials be written for independent learning. I try to explain that if a lecturer's course load is 50 students, that this load might be made up of say 40 campus students and 10 distance learners. The people in the villages want their young people to have access to tertiary study and distance learning would be a gift from heaven for their young and for the survival of their village.


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