so Sheik Hilali should be kicked out
of Australia and the sadists who violated a girl should be allowed to stay but tried as adults? I imagine Bennelong 200 years ago discussing the new arrivals: "Hey Gungibil, we need to do something about Gubnor Pilip. It is wrong that he is violating our value of respect for the land. He should leave. We have been tolerant enough!"
My understanding is that Sheik Hilali is an Australian citizen like Pat Dobson and Van Nguen and Shapelle Corby and John Howard and David Hicks and Mark Philippousis. The Sex Discrimination Commissioner Goward should accept that people wearing strange clothes speaking in an accent and worshipping in a different way have as much right to live in Australia as other non-Aboriginal Australians. Might Goward be as wrong to malign on the basis of migrant or race or religion as Hilali was wrong in referring to women as "meat"?
I learnt that two wrongs do not make a right. You should learn that too Pru.
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