outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Thursday, September 28, 2006

District Governor Of Rotary

Michael Gregory was guest of honour at the combined Rotary Clubs of Huon Gulf, Lae and Bulolo last night, Wednesday 27th September. The clubs met at the Melanesian and heard Michael on a range of issues facing Rotary. "Membership world-wide is stuck at 1.2 million despite moving into Kosova, Eastern Europe, China and soon Cuba. Four clubs closed in Queensland". One club proudly showed Michael a picture on the front of the local paper of Rotarians cooking a sausage sizzle for a school fete. "But what else do you do?" he asked. "Rotarians have to have fun and enjoy service with hands on service. Cheque book Rotary is killing the fun of being a Rotarian. The fun comes in projects where you see smiling faces as books are delivered, people get wheel chairs and clinics get supplies. Rotary has to act with heart and head. We think we know what people need - but we need to ask. When we put a water pump into a village we need to ensure we build a programme in pump maintenance into the project. The big campaigns need to continue. Polio is now endemic in only 4 countries. But it still needs focus. Nigeria stopped immunising and now it has recurred. The malaria campaign with corporate sponsorship is continuing. But you need to have fun. When you are not having fun the motivation ceases and members stop coming. Pretty soon there is no point in inviting a guest speaker because it is embarrassing for the speaker to speak to an audience of 6 members. And the club folds. And the community suffers. Therefore the message is - enjoy yourselves while you are being Rotarians."


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