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Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Thursday, August 03, 2006

trying to educate myself

"He was also involved in occasional violent resistance during the short period of time his organization cooperated with Menachem Begin's Irgun, though he refused to be involved in terrorism of any kind, and insisted that violence only be used against military targets. Ben-Gurion initially agreed to Begin's plan to carry out the King David Hotel bombing, with the intent of humiliating (rather than killing) the British military stationed there. However, when the risks of mass killing became apparent, Ben-Gurion told Begin to call the operation off; Begin refused.[1]" - I googled zionism ben gurion for this information.
Like most people I am trying to understand why Israel/Palestine cannot be resolved. I am sure that chest beating by those of us removed from the situation can't help. Nor can I see that taking sides is helping in trying to resolve the matter. That just means we bring our own prejudices. From what I read of Ben Gurion he seemed to be a moderate but the web site had different perspectives. Judge not lest ye yourself be judged. I was born in 1948 the year of the UN determination of the independent State of Israel. And still I wait for peace. The majority, you have had long enough to solve it. Let the minority have a turn.


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