outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Friday, May 26, 2006

what is ert ept and kempt?

Writing about the lifestyle of an unkempt drunk yesterday prompted me to think about a kempt drunk. If the drunk is kempt and ert and ept rather than unkempt, inert and inept, would this change his lifestyle? Other things I'd forgotten, Queen Victoria's birthday was on Wednesday. Does nayone care any more? So many things and places named after the dear lady. As to Eriku again. Even the flies don't go near the pile of filth under the stairs at Eriku. This is fourth world squalor at its worst. Well to my mind anyway - this is my first third world experience. Even a container of Playboy and whatever porno magaxine hasn't the same standard and quality of filth that this cubic metre of buai spittle has. I imagine the unimaginable - what if I fell into it? Malaria, typhoid, denge, plague, aids, pox, syphillis, diarrhoea, gonorraea, and whatever else. The back streets of Enmore were disgusting where all sorts of bodily fluids and solids and syringes lurked but this Eriku one looked positively fouler even than there.


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