Shock therapy
that's the term I was trying to think of yesterday. Cold turkey I think it is also called. Facing reality means the same thing. The reality you can't continue to be propped up by aid if you are not going to change your habits. If you want to have a car and mobile phone and a computer but you want to live like an unkempt drunk then the two lifestyles do not go together. There are some great things about tradition. I like a hot christmas lunch because we alawys did that at Bourke in the days of a wood cooking fire in the kitchen when it was 120 - how do you write degrees on this machine? But if you want progress - now theres a real debate - what is it, is it good for you, you're going to end up dead with or without progress so why bother and so on. But what would happen if the donor countries said that's it - reduction of aid in 20% increments over five years. Work it how you are going to survive. You want independence. You've got it. I can imagine the state of the forests and the fishing resources in the sixth year.
Should be a good soccer match tonight. How do you work out - if you're Australian with Greek parents - which team to support?
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