frogs sing david nesbit
I don't know who David Nesbit is but in the rain last light there was a pair of frogs trying all sorts of variations on making rhythm out of David Nesbit. Da-vid Nes-bit Dav-id Da-vid Nes Nes Nes-bit.
No trouble at all catching the PMV into town for Church asde monin. It took off with only 6 passengers - not an economical number so it detoured through West Taraka - normally a no go zone - and got its full complement of passengers there. Sometimes I feel self conscious about being the only wait man on the bus - I wonder what the nationals think about a wait man catching "their" transport. The elegant ladies feel embarrassed about having to push and shove to catch a PMV - mostly they have spent time in Brisbane or other big Australian cities and they feel embarrassed about the way their countrymen behave - in the same way I feel embarrassed about the way our cricket crowds and cricketers behave and now this monin on the tele I see the tele too has gone all jingoistic about the Commonwealth Games. Is it any wonder there is no world peace when we carry on as though winning and subverting the other is the only reason for being.
What fun it is to have a landline phone again. This was connected on Thursday and I spent asde, sunde ringing so many people. Even called Pat and David in the US about 10pm. I thought it was dark here and assumed it was daylight there but as it happened I woke them up at 6am.
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