Senator Jesus Campbell
the man who laid down his ministerial portfoloio for the salvation of the Howard prime ministership. I believe! I see the truth! He Lives! He lives! Senator Jesus Campbell lives today! I have faith. Oh Senator Jesus Campbell, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief!
Blessed assurance too by Holy Spirit Treasurer Costello that Senator Jesus Campbell, the man who was morally and politically compromised by his 20 minute meeting with ex-crook Brian Burke, will have so atoned for his sin that his state of moral and political compromise will expire after the election. Such is the unfailing power of forgiveness. However, no such forgiveness for Satan Kevin Rudd. He is just too wicked and evil and morally and politically compromised. Besides, Senator Jesus Campbell did not lay down his ministry for All mankind, only for the Chosen Ones. I believe! I believe! He lives!
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